Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Realize the Self is not 'you' but the Self is the Sou to get rid of ignorance.+

Identifying the Self as 'you' keeps one in the prison of ignorance. Realize the Self is not 'you' but the Self is the Sou to get rid of ignorance.

Ignorance is the cause of experiencing the illusory universe or Maya as reality.

The Soul is the Self. The Soul, the Self is present in the form of Consciousness. 

The nature of Consciousness is non-dualistic awareness. Consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.

The Soul, the Self is without hate, without infatuation, without craving, without greed.

The Soul, the Self has neither arrogance, nor conceit, nor jealousy because it is ever nondual.

The Soul has neither religion nor gender and it is ever free from illusory duality.

The Soul, the Self is without fear, without death, without discrimination, without caste because it is ever nondual.

The Soul, the Self has neither kith nor kin, neither teacher nor student because it is unborn.

The Soul, the Self is without form, without figure, without resemblance because it is ever formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

The Soul, the Self  pervades  everything and everywhere in the illusory universe or Maya
The Soul, the Self has Neither father nor mother because it is unborn eternal.

The Soul the Self is without sins, without merits, without elation, without sorrow because it is ever nondual.

Self-realization cannot be achieved through Neither mantras nor rituals, neither pilgrimage nor Vedas.

The Soul, the Self is Neither the experiencer, nor experienced, nor the experience.

The Soul, the Self is Consciousness, the Soul, the Self is awareness. 

The Soul, the Self is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth. :~Santthosh Kumaar