Sunday, July 22, 2012

Absence of mind, absent of waking or dream.

One cannot say how the waking or dream has appeared; only that they are and they are in the mind and are the mind. When the mind is there they are present. Absence of mind, absent of waking or dream. 

The true Self is not this body, nor this world; true self is the seer of both. The body may be moving within the world in waking/dream, but the true soul or self, seeing the changes. The body is born and lives within the waking/dream but true soul or self, remains as the witness of these changes. Soul or self is the Witness, the Awareness. 

Seeker of truth should not imprison himself in his own creation by imagining the mind or ’I’ to be limited to the physical body. Just as space fills both inside and outside of the bottle, so the true self or soul permeates the whole waking or dream. 

One can't see the three states independently without the true soul or self. "Time, Space and Causation" are mental and present only in waking/dream. The essence of the three states themselves is consciousness alone. –FORMLESS PATH

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