Sunday, July 22, 2012

Intellectually grasping these spiritual ideas doesn’t get you anywhere.+

Intellectually grasping these spiritual ideas doesn’t get you anywhere. You have to live and breathe these truths. 

The difference between an enlightened person and a non-enlightened one is only of awareness; the enlightened one is aware that he is enlightened!”

When one speaks of the separation of the soul from the body, he endorses the concept of reincarnation. The soul never dies. Birth, life, and death are mere illusions. 

We hear day in day out about cases of reincarnation. Children recalling minute details of places they’ve never seen, people they’ve never met. But they happen in the waking experience. And waking is as real as a dream

Individual experiences cannot happen without waking or dream. Thus whatever is known, seen, believed, and experienced as a person is happening within the waking or dream. Thus birth, life, and death are individual experiences and part of the waking or dream.:~Santthosh Kumaar 

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