Friday, August 31, 2012

Thus, the formless knower of the three states has to be grasped mentally and realize the fact that, all the three states, which comes and goes, are mental

 There is no practice as such but perfect understanding is needed. Deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning revels the fact that, the self is not physical but the self is formless consciousness. Therefore, all the accumulated knowledge, experiences and understanding based on physical self [ego or body as Self] are falsehood based on the false self, within the false experience [waking]. Thus, whatever is based on the waking entity is bound to be falsehood because waking experience itself is false hood. Since many teachers and teachings are based on the false self [ego or body as Self] and they consider the false experience [three states] as reality, they are incapable of grasping the witness, which is within the three states, but it is without the three states.

Thus, the formless knower of the three states has to be grasped mentally and realize the fact that, all the three states, which comes and goes, are mental. They are impermanent. The formless witness or knower of the three states is permanent and eternal. Therefore, there is a need to understand “What is Mind?” and “What is the substance of the Mind?” in order to understand and assimilate the non-dual truth. –FORMLESS PATH

There is no practice as such but perfect understanding is needed.

 There is no practice as such but perfect understanding is needed. Deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning revels the fact that, the self is not physical but the self is formless consciousness.  Therefore, all the accumulated knowledge, experiences and understanding based on physical self [ego or body as Self] are falsehood based on the false self, within the false experience [waking]. Thus, whatever is based on the waking entity is bound to be falsehood because waking experience itself is false hood. Since many teachers and teachings are based on the false self [ego or body as Self] and they consider the false experience (three states) as reality, they are incapable of grasping the witness, which is within the three states, but it is without the three states.

Thus, the formless knower of the three states has to be grasped mentally and realize the fact that, all the three states, which comes and goes, are mental. They are impermanent. The formless witness or knower of the three states is permanent and eternal. Therefore, there is a need to understand “What is Mind?” and “What is the substance of the Mind?” in order to understand and assimilate the non-dual truth. –FORMLESS PATH

Seeker of truth, having commenced the path of the self- realization has to give up all physical based theoretical practices

Having grasped, understood the ultimate truth intellectually, one should recover oneself, immersed in the illusory experience of ocean of birth, life, death and the world by means of devotion to right discrimination.

Seeker of truth, having commenced the path of the self- realization has to give up all physical based theoretical practices and try to realize the fact that, the waking experience in which the individual experiences birth, life, death and the world as reality is also is as unreal as the dream. By realizing the formless substance and witness of the three states as consciousness one becomes free from experiencing the duality as reality. –FORMLESS PATH 

Nothing is born, nothing is destroyed

Nothing is born, nothing is destroyed. No duality, no likes and dislikes. There is no second thing exist other than awareness of the self. If this is perceived, than it is non-dual reality.

The conviction of the non-dual truth is seen to proceed from soul-centric reasoning, and it does arise neither by bathing in the holy rivers, nor by a doing Kriya yoga Pranayama or control of the vital force nor by glorifying gurus. –FORMLESS PATH

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Only through deeper analysis the three states, one becomes aware of the existence of the formless witness.

Those that want to prove existence of formless witness; it is only in its presence, for it is awareness, that proof can be given. It is a pre-condition without which one cannot talk of proof.  The formless witness is the substance and witness of the waking experience, which contains man, and his experience of the world.  Without the waking experience man and his experience are absent. The three states are transient in nature.  Thus there must be a knower of the three states which appear and disappear in succession.

Only through deeper analysis the three states, one becomes aware of the existence of  the  formless witness. 

How does one see the dream?

 The dream is witnessed without the physical eyes.  So it was not the waking entity, which witnessed the dream. The waking entity and the waking world was absent in the dream. If the dream world were without the witness, it is impossible to witness the dream. Therefore there must be a witness of the dream. This same witness is witnesses the waking experience as a whole. And also the deep sleep.  Thus the formless witness has to be mentally grasped by constant reflecting on the subject.

The gross waking experience is merged into the mental experience in the sense that when it is analysed, it is found to exist inseparably in and as the mind alone.  All "spiritual" planes are really mental.

The existence of the three states is the proof of the Formless witness. The moment one becomes aware of the witness of the dream is not the waking entity, then he becomes aware of the existence of the formless witness of the three states, which is apart from the three states.

 All the three states are produced by ignorance, and dissolves in the wake of non-dual wisdom. The material /cause of this the duality is the One without a second, subtle and unchanging Existence, just as the water is the material /cause of the cloud and the like.

The soul is the innermost self. The soul is in the form of consciousness. As soul or consciousness, the innermost self is also the One, the Subtle, the Knower, the Witness, the Ever-Existent, and the Unchanging, so there is no doubt that it is the consciousness.

Consciousness the true self is verily one and without parts, whereas the body consists of many parts; and yet everyone confounds these two as one due to ignorance.

Consciousness is the ruler of the three states and is internal; the three states are the ruled and are external.

Consciousness is permanent.  All the three states are an illusion created out of consciousness. Consciousness is the Illuminator and purity itself; the three states are said to be of the nature of darkness.

Consciousness is eternal, since it is Existence itself; the three states are transient, as they are non-existence in essence.

It is very strange that a person ignorantly rests contented with the idea that the self is the body and world as reality, while he knows that the body and the universe exist because of the consciousness.

True Self verily consciousness, being equanimous, quiescent, and by nature absolute Existence, Knowledge. The true Self is neither the body nor the mind which is non-existence in their essence. This is called true Knowledge by the Gnani.

Consciousness is without any change, without any form, free from all blemish and decay. Consciousness not subjected to any disease, and it is beyond all comprehension, free from all alternatives and all-pervading.

Consciousness is without any attribute or activity, true self is eternal, ever free, and imperishable.

Consciousness is free from all diversity; true self is immovable, unlimited, undecaying, and immortal. 

Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is for realizing the fact that, all the three states are erupted out of the formless consciousness (soul ) sustained by consciousness finally they dissolve as consciousness.

The goal of the seeker after truth is not the same of the yogi. The seekers goal is to acquire non dual wisdom, whereas the yogis goal is to attain Samadhi. Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana   is for  realizing the fact that,   all the three states are erupted out of the formless consciousness (soul )  sustained by consciousness  finally they dissolve as consciousness.

All the three states are seen to consciousness (soul) which is the witness of the three states.  When one has no idea of being separated from the three states, then there is no idea of space, time and form. 

By Gazing at nose-tip one cannot acquire non dual wisdom. But if one want knowledge he must look on everything as consciousness (soul), have only one thought—everything is consciousness. 

All the three states disappear back to the soul or consciousness. They are only names and forms. Where have they gone? The Mind(universe)  is also consciousness. If one knows whole universe is dream, or is mental, when all the states go, it becomes consciousness. Hence he who becomes a sage is able to know his self as consciousness. Ignorance is cause of duality. in self-awareness form, time and space are one in essence.  The Gnani cannot change anyone; but he can direct and guide them. 

One cannot change circumstances of life by following spiritual laws because there is no law in the realm of the formless spirit (soul).  The laws imply duality. The duality is not reality from ultimate standpoint.  The happiness, misery and the world are one in essence.  That essence is consciousness. By realizing the essence as innermost self leads to Self-awareness.  In self-awareness the physical based happiness, misery and the world are absent because there is only oneness. 

Truth is hidden in everything and everywhere as formless substance and witness of the dual (waking or dream) and non-dual (deep sleep) experiences. To be enlightened is to know the formless substance and witness of the three states as ultimate truth.

  The formless substance and witness is the soul or spirit or consciousness.  The mind or universe or waking (experience of diversity) rises  from the  formless soul and subsides back as the soul or consciousness. Thus, the soul is the source the mind, which is present as universe. Universe rises as waking or dream subsides as deep sleep.

 The three states are unreality on the standpoint of the formless soul or consciousness, the innermost self. Thus, the self is neither the waking entity (ego) nor the self is the dream entity but the self is the formless soul or consciousness ,which witnesses the coming and going of the three states. Therefore, there is a need to learn to view and judge the three states on the base of soul as self, in order to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman. 

Pursuit of truth is to know the facts of one’s true existence. To Know the facts is to know the Truth. Most people are unaware of the fact that, physical existence or universe  is mere mirage and live in a delusion Realization of  Ultimate Truth is the Gateway to freedom from experiencing duality as reality.  Therefore there is a need to realize the fact that, the formless soul or consciousness is the innermost self, and soul or consciousness is the ultimate reality or Brahman. There is no Truth without formless soul or consciousness.

All the three states are made of the same substance

All the three states are made of the same substance, whether it is  the waking or  the dreams or the  deep sleep. All the object and sense perception within the waking or the dream are of the same substance.  The form, time and space are of the same substance.

The three divisions of  the time--past present and future--are within the waking or  the dream.  It becomes necessary to analyse the three states. Whatever may come in the future, whatever objects existed in the past, whatever thing one can think of in the present--all these are possible only in waking experience. Waking or dream consists of names and forms.” All names are but words.

 All the three states are got from the soul or consciousness the innermost self, corresponding to formlessness. One has to mentally reduce universe into the waking, then reduce the waking into the mind. And finally reduce the  mind into the consciousness.

Anything which is an experience, is part of the mirage.  hence a superimposition. the Soul or consciousness is the substratum of the three states. 

The nature of the mind, which is present in the form of universe, is constant flux.  The universe appears as waking or dream. Without being aware of the existence of the formless witness the three states people think everything is in flux in the universe.

 The permanent thing is the substance of the mind or universe.  The formless substance is the witness of the mind (I) or universe.  The formless substance and witness are one in essence. That essence is soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.  The soul or consciousness is real and permanent.  The universe is mere mirage created out of consciousness.

World is both real and unreal. It is real because it is a manifestation of consciousness, but is unreal, in the sense, that it is not absolute and eternal like consciousness itself.

Intellectuals   approach was more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the world, they take it as real.

On the standpoint the soul, the innermost self the universe is mere mirage.  The soul is the permanent all else mere illusion.  Man and exist in the unreal universe and by discussing on the standpoint of the ego (waking entity) which is the false self within the false experience will leads to perversity.    

In self-awareness the body is not considered as body, ego is not considered as ego and the world is not considered as world because body, ego and the world too are nothing but consciousness.   In self-awareness there is no flux. There is unity in diversity.  Only in ignorance the illusion is experienced as reality. The nature of the illusion is impermanent and constant flux whereas the nature of the soul or consciousness is permanent and still.