Thursday, August 16, 2012

Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is for realizing the fact that, all the three states are erupted out of the formless consciousness (soul ) sustained by consciousness finally they dissolve as consciousness.

The goal of the seeker after truth is not the same of the yogi. The seekers goal is to acquire non dual wisdom, whereas the yogis goal is to attain Samadhi. Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana   is for  realizing the fact that,   all the three states are erupted out of the formless consciousness (soul )  sustained by consciousness  finally they dissolve as consciousness.

All the three states are seen to consciousness (soul) which is the witness of the three states.  When one has no idea of being separated from the three states, then there is no idea of space, time and form. 

By Gazing at nose-tip one cannot acquire non dual wisdom. But if one want knowledge he must look on everything as consciousness (soul), have only one thought—everything is consciousness. 

All the three states disappear back to the soul or consciousness. They are only names and forms. Where have they gone? The Mind(universe)  is also consciousness. If one knows whole universe is dream, or is mental, when all the states go, it becomes consciousness. Hence he who becomes a sage is able to know his self as consciousness. Ignorance is cause of duality. in self-awareness form, time and space are one in essence.  The Gnani cannot change anyone; but he can direct and guide them. 

One cannot change circumstances of life by following spiritual laws because there is no law in the realm of the formless spirit (soul).  The laws imply duality. The duality is not reality from ultimate standpoint.  The happiness, misery and the world are one in essence.  That essence is consciousness. By realizing the essence as innermost self leads to Self-awareness.  In self-awareness the physical based happiness, misery and the world are absent because there is only oneness. 

Truth is hidden in everything and everywhere as formless substance and witness of the dual (waking or dream) and non-dual (deep sleep) experiences. To be enlightened is to know the formless substance and witness of the three states as ultimate truth.

  The formless substance and witness is the soul or spirit or consciousness.  The mind or universe or waking (experience of diversity) rises  from the  formless soul and subsides back as the soul or consciousness. Thus, the soul is the source the mind, which is present as universe. Universe rises as waking or dream subsides as deep sleep.

 The three states are unreality on the standpoint of the formless soul or consciousness, the innermost self. Thus, the self is neither the waking entity (ego) nor the self is the dream entity but the self is the formless soul or consciousness ,which witnesses the coming and going of the three states. Therefore, there is a need to learn to view and judge the three states on the base of soul as self, in order to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman. 

Pursuit of truth is to know the facts of one’s true existence. To Know the facts is to know the Truth. Most people are unaware of the fact that, physical existence or universe  is mere mirage and live in a delusion Realization of  Ultimate Truth is the Gateway to freedom from experiencing duality as reality.  Therefore there is a need to realize the fact that, the formless soul or consciousness is the innermost self, and soul or consciousness is the ultimate reality or Brahman. There is no Truth without formless soul or consciousness.

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