Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Advaitic or Non-dual Wisdom will not rise from intellectual spoon feeding but it arises only from deeper self-search to the sincere and serious seeker who has an intense urge to know the ultimate truth or Brahman.

Pursuit of truth is not pursuit of argument. Until one makes his accepted truth as his yardstick without verification, he will never will be able to cross the threshold of duality because his understanding is based on the ego, is not matured enough to grasp the non- dualistic truth, which is prior to his physical existence or mind, which is in the form of the universe.

The guru is not needed in pursuit of truth because the truth has to be ascertained by seeker himself. Advaitic or Non-dual Wisdom will not rise from intellectual spoon feeding but it arises only from deeper self-search to the sincere and serious seeker who has an intense urge to know the ultimate truth or Brahman. 

Persons who are stuck with branded masters and guru and takes their guru's word as final without verifying the validity of their Guru's teaching. They are stuck with their egocentric intellectuality, which is the greatest hindrance in realizing the ultimate truth. Nothing has to be accepted truth without verification.

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