Sunday, September 2, 2012

Attributed consciousness and attributeless consciousness are not two different consciousnesses.

The attributeless consciousness is impersonal and pure. Consciousness becomes a personal or attributed consciousness only through its association with illusion, which appears in the form of mind or universe or waking or dream.

Attributed consciousness and attributeless consciousness are not two different consciousnesses. Attribute-less consciousness is not the contrast, antithesis or opposite of attributed consciousness. The same attributeless consciousness appears as attributed consciousness. The mind and the soul are one in essence. The essence is consciousness. Thus consciousness is second to none.

The attributed consciousness appears in the form of mind. Mind is in the form of universe. And universe appears as waking or dream. Thus Mind, universe, waking or dream are one and the same thing.

The universe is reality on the standpoint of the waking entity. The universe is unreal on the standpoint of the Atman, which is attributeless consciousness. 

He who has realized the ultimate truth or Brahman transcends the duality or mind where he sees no second thing other than consciousness. Yogi who sees the universe as reality may try to deny it because he thinks thoughtlessness is Brahman. The yogi sees the universe as a second thing and he wants to banish the universe in Samadhi, because he does not know that in non-duality there is no need to deny the universe. But he has to realize the fact that, universe is not something different from the self, which consciousness. Those who cannot grasp and realize this position, misunderstand it, and wrongly hold it be yogic Samadhi where there is only blankness.

The presence of the universe is no obstacle to Gnani‘s realization; he does not need yogic Samadhi. But yogi has imagined Brahman as blankness or thoughtlessness thus he is still in the grip of duality. Thus Yogis Brahman is but a thought. Brahman is not a thought but Brahman is prior to any mind or universe. Thus one has to know what is prior to waking experience.

The yogi who wrongly thinks there is Brahman to be got ,may attempt to do so, and may think he sees it, but all the time he under the delusion of duality because he bases his- self on physical body, thinking Brahman to be something different from the soul, which is the true self.

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