Tuesday, September 18, 2012

If “Self” is not form but formless then whatever functions itself as form and perceives the world, as a person within the waking or dream is bound to be falsehood.

If “Self” is not form but formless then whatever functions itself as form  and perceives the world, as a person within the waking or dream is  bound to be falsehood.

If self is not the form then the time and space, and time and space are present only when the form is present is bound to be falsehood.  If form, time and space are falsehood than the universe which is present only when the form, time and space are present is bound to be falsehood. If universe is falsehood than the waking which is in the form of universe is bound to be falsehood.   If the waking experience is falsehood than all the three states bound to be falsehood. If the three states are falsehood then the individual experience of birth, life and death are bound to be falsehood.  The self, which is formless soul or consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states is real and eternal. The formless soul or consciousness is cause of everything that exist as falsehood or illusion and it itself is uncaused. --FORMLESS PATH   

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