Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Man remains as the part of the objective world and tries to discover the ultimate truth not realizing the fact that, he and his experience of the universe is an object to the formless subject.

Just because we can't see the soul it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, although this is a common way in which people deny the existence of the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. People think the soul does not exist because their master say so or some teaching say so or some scriptures say so. First they must know the fact that, the soul is not individual but it is universal it pervades the whole universe as its formless substance. 

However, one can attest to the fact that, it does exist, because the whole physical existence is dependent on it. Even though one can't see it but he cannot exist without it. Without it nothing can exists and nothing can be known or seen or experienced. Until one thinks his body or ego as self, he will remain ignorant of the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. Thus he is remains unaware of the consciousness because he is in duality. He identifies the self with the physical body and becomes ignorant of the soul and experiences the duality as reality.

Man remains as the part of the objective world and tries to discover the ultimate truth not realizing the fact that, he and his experience of the universe is an object to the formless subject. He applies it to things seen as an individual. This is because he is ignorant of the relation between the formless subject [soul] and the object [mind or universe]. He judges everything on the base of the object as subject and trying to know and realize the ultimate truth on the base of objectified subject. Whatever objects are known by the ego, are objects within the object [universe].

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