Friday, September 7, 2012

Only serious seekers who have an intense urge to acquire Self- Knowledge should have courage to discard the false-knowledge with a view to attaining non-dualistic wisdom.

Intense urge to become free from the bonds of this birth, life deaths and world, leads one to indulge in pursuit of truth.

Only serious seekers who have an intense urge to acquire Self- Knowledge should have courage to discard the false-knowledge with a view to attaining non-dualistic wisdom. 

Self- Knowledge is not brought about by any other means than inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base. Trying to attain self-knowledge through other means is like trying to find fish in the desert sand.

What is ‘I’?

How this universe is created?

Who is its creator?

Of what material is this universe made?

This is the first step of Inquiry, analysis and reasoning.

True Self is neither the body, nor the ‘I’, nor the universe. The true self is within the universe but it is apart from the universe and its contents. This is the way the seeker must proceed in inquiry, analysis and reasoning.

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