Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is necessary to know the fact that, the universe, which appears is in the form of mind and disappears as nothingness (formless) is mere mirage

 Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  is necessary to know the fact that, the universe, which appears is in the form of mind and disappears as nothingness (formless) is mere mirage created out of nothingness, which is consciousness. Thus the consciousness is the source and witness of the universe or mind, which comes and goes. Thus it is necessary to know the formless witness of the three states in order to know the fact that, the true self is apart and free from the mirage ,which is in the form of birth, life, death and the universe. Therefore, it is necessary for the seeker to make sure how the three states are mirage.

The body and the world are reality within the waking experience but the waking experience is mere illusion, same way as the dream body and the dream world were reality within the dream. The dream becomes unreal when the waking takes place; similarly the waking experience becomes unreal when the non-dual wisdom dawns.
Advaita based on orthodoxy accepts karma theory. If one accepts the karma theory, he will not reach the non-dual destination. If one accept karma theory then it is impossible to hold the world as illusion. All the pundits’ explanation of karma theory carries no weight, because karma theory is based on the false self, which is bound by experience of birth, life and death and form, time and space, whereas the true self is formless Atman, which the innermost self. The Atman is in the form of consciousness, is birthless and deathless because it is formless.

The birth, life death and world are part of the waking experience, which is mere illusion on the standpoint of the true self [consciousness]. It is no use of saying that, we are not born, we do not die because, because we all were born and we all are going to die. However, the birth, life, death and the world are part of the illusion, which comes and goes as waking experience. The formless substance and witness of the three states is real, which is our true identity. The Self which is in the form of consciousness has no birth and death. The ultimate truth or Brahman nothing to do with the orthodox Advaita, which claims itself, it is based on Vedas. But it indulges in worshiping all non-Vedic gods.

That is way the Upanishads declared Atma Gnana or Brahma Gnana will not dawn by studying Vedas or indulging in intellectuality. –FORMLESS PATH

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