Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The mind cannot be stilled without acquiring the Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

The mind cannot be stilled without  acquiring the Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. People try all the mental and physical acrobatics to still the mind. Until they are based on the body the thoughts will go on appearing. Until thoughts are there the stillness is impossible. The thoughts will stop only when there is perfect understanding through non dual wisdom. The thoughts cannot arise without the form, feeling, perception, mental formation and consciousness. If one of these is missing then the thought will not form.

 To make the mind still one has to have the perfect understanding of the whole experience without mixing up with accumulated ideas from the religion, scriptures and yogic ideas and theoretical knowledge based on the logic.  The mind becomes still only when one accepts the fact that consciousness is the true self, and rejects ‘I’ as self mentally.  There is no use of seeking truth on the base of ‘I’ which is not the self.  This base can be rectified through deeper Self-search through perfect understanding and assimilating. Though it may look difficult at first gradually the serious seeker will get a hang of it, and will start feeling the non-dual tranquillity.

 This is possible only through constant mental effort through reflection on the formless witness of the three states.

 The word illusion is used as suggestion to the subconscious to bifurcate the real from the unreal. Since truth pursuit is completely a mental journey, suggesting the right suggestions to subconscious is the only way. The word illusion scares many, but there is no need to get scared, nothing is lost, only the ignorance will disappear and one will be able to view and judge the birth, life and death on the base of consciousness, thus the burden of the duality will be shifted from form to formless thus one gets freedom from experiencing the duality which he is experiencing as reality right here and now, consciously living within the duality, until it disappears on its own and become one with the eternal identity. 

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