Monday, September 10, 2012

There is no doubt many masters have given a valuable contribution to seeking world but none of them take one to the ultimate end .

There is no doubt many masters have given a valuable contribution to seeking world but none of them take one to the ultimate end . to seeking world but none of them take one to the ultimate end . Thus seeker has to verify on his own remove the entire obstacle, which is blocking his realization on his own. There is no need to criticize any teacher or Guru and waste time instead seeker has to utilize the same time to acquire self-knowledge through deeper self-search. 
Truth means certainty. If there is any uncertainty it is not truth. It does not deal with imaginations. People do not have the scientific attitude because they take things as presented to them. They have rather the emotional and sentimental attitude. The correct attitude is to verify all the facts, to see a problem in them, something to investigate and inquire into them. 

Truth must be verifiable; unless it is verifiable it is of no value. Those who lack the capacity to doubt are not fit for pursuit of truth.

The seeker needs proof to accept anything as truth. Every guru intellectuals, pundit or yogi statements have to be verified before accepting them as ultimate truth or Brahman. Their claims have to be verified before accepting them as truth. 

Ultimate truth or Brahman cannot be known by intuition but it can be grasped from the reason based on the true self. Therefore, there is a need to know first the self is not physical but the formless consciousness. Then start reasoning on the base of the formless consciousness, all the clouds and confusion starts clearing on its own and finally one will have no confusion left to say the illusion as whole is spirit.

One knows everything within the waking experience is consciousness because the waking experience itself is mere mirage created out of consciousness. The physical apparatus is absent in deep sleep, so one cannot know anything by intuition, because there is no duality in deep sleep. This proves that the duality is present only in waking or dream. And also it proves that if there be such a faculty as intuition it must be limited to the physical self.

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