Friday, March 22, 2013

Going to mountains, searching for guru, renouncing the family life, studying the scriptures ,glorifying the personal gods and gurus are the gretest obstical in the path of self-realization.

There is no need to go to  the mountains in search of  the truth. There is no need to meet any gurus. There is no need to renounce family life. There is no need to  study the scriptures. There is no need for glorifying the gurus.  There is need to spend the fortune to please the gurus.  Going to mountains, searching for guru, renouncing the family life, studying the scriptures ,glorifying the personal gods and gurus are the gretest obstical in  the path of   self-realization.

One need not be a monk , a  sanyasi  or swami to acquire Self-knowledge or Bramha Gnana or Atma Gnana. Religious orthodoxy, scripturual mastery are not qulification to acquire Self-knowledge or Bramha Gnana or Atma Gnana. Monkhood and sanyasa is a  gretest obsticale in pursuit of truth. 

Guru, Swami, Yogi, Sadhu, and Avatara belongs to religious paths. Religious path is path meant for ignorents who blindly accept their experience the birth,life,death and the world as reality, because  the universe is product of ignorance.

When wisdom dawns  then the unreal nature of the universe is exposed. Thus whatever experinces takes place within the universe is bound to be falsehood. Therefore,  the  Guru, Swami, Yogi, Sadhu, and Avatara nothing to do with the ultimate truth or Brahman because they are based on the false self (ego or waking entity) and false experience (waking). Path of wisdom is only for those who are seriously in search ultimate truth or Brahman. Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana is mother of all knowledge thus it is not accumulated knowledge.

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