Thursday, March 21, 2013

What is the use of WHO AM I? , inquiry when ‘I’ itself is an illusion.+

By limiting the mind or 'I'   to the waking entity is the main hurdle in pursuit of truth.  Therefore it is necessary for the seeker of truth to investigate ‘what is mind?’   in order to realize the mind or 'I' is not limited to ego or waking entity but ‘I’ is mind. The mind is present   in the form of the universe. And universe appears as waking or dream. 
When self is neither the waking entity (ego) nor 'I'    than 'WHO AM 'I'? Inquiry will not yield the full truth because it yields only the fallacy of the form, not time and space.

When one realizes the self is not ‘I’ but the self is the formless substance and the witness of the ‘I’, he is freed from the attachment to results and then whatever he does it detached work. Similarly, when he recognizes that consciousness is everywhere and in everything in all the three states than that very recognition leads to a total dissolution of the ignorance and leads to non-dual self-awareness. 

What is the use of  WHO AM I? , inquiry when ‘I’ itself is an illusion.:~Santthosh Kumaar 

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