Thursday, May 30, 2013

People who are stuck with the thought and the thinker will not be able to cross the realm of form, time and space+*****

People who are stuck with the thought and the thinker will not be able to cross the realm of form, time and space.  It is their accumulated intellectual knowledge making them judge, decide and conclude logically.  Logic can be applied for practical purposes in practical life but it is no use in pursuit of truth.  Deeper thinking and understanding are needed in pursuit of truth.
The thought is the tool in waking or dream. One needs to think to beyond form, time and space to unfold the mystery of the mind or the universe.  The thought rises to the physical entity within the waking or dream. Without waking or dream the thought will not arise. It is no use of tracking the source of the thought instead traces the source of the mind. The mind is in the form of the universe. And the universe appears as waking or dream.      

The seeker has to indulge in deeper self-search and verifies and realizes the fact that, the mind is not within the brain, but man and his experience of the universe are within the mind, he will not be able to cross the threshold of duality.  Seeker also has to realize and come to firm conviction after verifying all the facts that-- the mind is in the form of the whole universe and the universe appears as whole waking or dream.   Only when one gets a firm conviction of ‘what is what’,   and then only it is possible to unfold the mystery of the mind or the universe. 


Thinker, thoughts and the world in which thinker exists is nothing to do with the Soul, the Self, which is hidden by ignorance.  Those who think by insuring to whom the thoughts come will not be able to realize the ‘Self’ because they are thinking the ‘Self is within their body. The ‘Self’ is not within the body but it is hidden by the dualistic illusion (world). 

Thoughts and thinker and the world the thinker exists belongs to the dualistic illusion. Without the form, time and space the thoughts will not form. Thoughts come to the thinker. The thinker is an individual whereas the ‘Self is not an individual. The source of the thoughts is the ego. Without the ego, the thoughts will not rise. Thoughts and thinker and the world the thinker exists is nothing to do with the Soul, the ‘Self, which is hidden by the dualistic illusion (I). 

You are the thinker.  The thoughts come to you.  You are bound by the form, time and space whereas the Soul the innermost Self is formless, timeless and spaceless existence.  The thoughts will not raise in the domain of the Soul, the innermost ‘Self’ because it is the ever formless, timeless and spaceless existence.

The thoughts come to the thinker within the dualistic illusion.  Without the illusion the thinker, thoughts and the world in which the thinker exists cease to exists.

Therefore, just by finding out to whom the thoughts come? Who is the knower? it is impossible to realize the truth, which is beyond the form, time and space. Perfect understanding of ‘what is what' is what is very much necessary to cross the threshold of the dualistic illusion.  : ~ Santthosh Kumaar 

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