Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sage Sri, Sankara as a rationalist philosopher, in contrast to the more traditional image of him as a theologian: (Sage Sri, Sankara’s system of Advaita) is not even a philosopher dish cooked to suit exclusively the palate of the Hindu.

Sage Sri, Sankara as a rationalist philosopher, in contrast to the more traditional image of him as a theologian: (Sage Sri, Sankara’s system of Advaita) is not even a philosopher dish cooked to suit exclusively the palate of the Hindu. It is like the air and the water, the common food of all men in all countries. It is ... an attempt ... at constructing a "Science of Truth," nay, in fact, it is the only attempt yet made at such a science. If rightly interpreted Sage Sankara’s teaching as food for all humanity, the universal teaching par excellence; it is not just a religion, but the religion; not a philosophy, but the philosophy; not a science, but the Science of Truth; not a soteriology, but the path to spiritual liberation par excellence, wide and deep as the ocean which contains virtually all the water of the world and in which all particular forms ultimately dissolve.--FORMLESS PATH

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