Friday, September 11, 2015

Mystic says:~ I am God, I am Brahman. But when Brahman is, how can "I" remain?+

Religionists who are anxious for a mystic or occult experience often get it. However, it is only a mental construction of their own, suggested originally from outside. Suggestions may come to one from a book or person some years read or seen, and thinking of them a number of times; then when one meets and sits before a Yogic Guru for the  first time, the suggestion comes up from the past or subconscious and gives one vision or mystic experience. 
The whole thing is a super-imposition. Therefore, the subconscious mind is led by constant dwelling on a thought, to the manufacture of it as a projected experience. Similarly, with worshippers in the churches and temples who fall into tears. The complex overcomes them.
Mystics may say that the spirit is the source of all good, but the question of questions is how does one know the Spirit is the source of all good, and then question arises where is the source of all adversity. That is mere scholastic dogma until an attempt to show, to analyse and prove that it is the source. There cannot be the different source for the different experience. Merely believing accepting mystics' word is not accepted in the pursuit of truth.
Mystic say I am God but How is he to know that He is God? His mere statement is not enough. He must have proof; he must show that He is God. His God is a reality even in the  experience of duality.
Mystic says:~ I am God, I am Brahman. But when Brahman is, how can "I" remain? Only Brahman remains, not the ‘I’.
The God cannot exist without the experience duality. When duality is mere illusion, how anything seen, known, believed and experienced within the duality can be real.
When mystic path followers may see all kinds of visions when they sits before the Yogic or a Guru, he ; it is because he expects certain experiences and gets them, or else the others followers suggest them; the mind of the disciple manufactures the entire experience. It is precisely the same as experiences of a hypnotic subject, which are the consequences of a stronger mind working on a weaker one. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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