Saturday, June 29, 2019

Consciously becoming aware of the Soul in the midst of diversity (waking) is Self- awareness or Brahmic awareness.+

It is very much necessary for the seekers of truth who are searching for truth to realize the truth they are seeking is not found in the domain of form, time, and space. 

The Self is a formless, timeless, and spaceless existence. Limiting the Self to the domain of form, time and space is a great error. 

‘I’ represents the mind. 

‘I’ represents form, time, and space.

‘I’ represents the universe.

‘I’ represents waking or dream.

‘I’ represents duality.

‘I’ represents the individual experience of birth, life, death, and the world.

‘I’ represent illusion.

‘I’ represents ignorance. 

 But remember;~

Without the ‘I’ there is no mind.

Without the ‘I’ there is no form, time, and space.

Without the ‘I’ there is no universe.

Without the ‘I’ there is no waking or dream.

Without the ‘I’ there is no duality.

Without the ‘I’ there is no individual experience of birth, life, death, and the world.

Without the ‘I’ there is no illusion.

Without the ‘I’ there is no ignorance. 

Remember ~ 

When ‘I’ disappears there is nonduality.

Nonduality is the fullness of the consciousness without the illusory division of form, time, and space. 

The fullness of consciousness means unity in diversity. 

Unity in diversity in consciousness is Advaita. 

Consciously becoming aware of the Soul in the midst of diversity (waking) is Self-awareness or Brahmic awareness. 

If you desire Self-realization, but you still say "I,” and if you feel the ‘Self’ is the ‘I’, you are not a wise seeker. You are simply ignorant. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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