Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The truth is not between the thoughts. The thoughts and the thinker and the world are within the dualistic illusion or Maya.+

The thinker's thoughts and the world in which the thinker exists are created out of a single clay, that single clay is the Soul, the Self hidden by ignorance. 

The truth is not between the thoughts. The thoughts and the thinker and the world are within the dualistic illusion or Maya.

By getting rid of the thoughts the illusion will not vanish because thoughts are not the cause of the illusion. The illusion is the product of ignorance. 

Until ignorance is there the illusion is experienced as a reality. Getting rid of ignorance is the only way. 

You cannot think beyond form, time, and space without a perfect understanding of what is what. 

Without knowing ‘what is real?’ and ‘what is unreal?- it is impossible to realize the truth which is hidden by the ‘I’. 

The seeker must realize how this ‘I’ is an illusion and from what standpoint the ‘I’ is an illusion. 

Your nature is dualistic and the nature of the Soul, the Self is non-dualistic. Holding the ‘Self as ‘you’ is a great error. All the Gurus of the past hold the ‘Self’ as ‘I’ or you and spin their imagination, which leads to hallucination. 

Thus, the ‘I-centric’ or ‘you-centric’ gurus and their teaching have nothing to do with the Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara. 
The words mean different things to different people, it is what's behind the words, between the lines that matters. Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is meant for the class, not for the ignorant masses.


By not using words the wisdom will not dawn.  The words are an expression of thoughts.  Thoughtlessness is not wisdom. In deep sleep, there are no thoughts. It does not mean that by taking a sleeping pill one gets wisdom.

 Some people expect without using words we have to convey nonduality but they are unable to convey their message of nonduality with the language without the words.

Using words or no words has nothing to do with the truth beyond form, time, and space. The words mean different things to different people.  It is what's behind the words, between the lines that matters. 

A  perfect understanding of ‘what is what leads to the realization of truth beyond form, time, and space.

The words are for communication purposes. Communication leads to a perfect understanding of ‘what is what’ in this state of ignorance (duality). 

The one who realizes that he, his thoughts, and the words he utters and the world in which he exists is created out of single stuff and that single stuff is consciousness has realized the ‘Self’, which is hidden by ignorance.    

Thus, everything is consciousness. Realizing everything is consciousness leads to Self-awareness. 

Thus using words or no words has nothing to do with Gnani. Only ignorant people talk of nonduality, not to use the words with words. 

The Path of wisdom is not for those who have chosen the path of the wordless path, so, they must continue with their chosen path without using words and communicating with others. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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