Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The world in which you exist is the dualistic illusion or Maya created out of the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.+

The world in which you exist is the dualistic illusion or Maya created out of the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. The dualistic illusion has appeared on its own and it will disappear on its own.
Birth, life, and death are happening within the dualistic illusion or Maya. You did not choose your birth, but it just happened. You think you are responsible for the success and failure of your life. You think it is your destiny, but your destiny is within the dualistic illusion.
Suppose in a dream you are successful in your life and accumulated wealth enough for your lifetime with a caring wife and children but when you wake up you will realize the dream becomes unreal because you are unsuccessful in your life and you do not have enough money to live, your wife has divorced and gone in the waking experience.
The waking experience also becomes unreal when you realize the ‘Self’ is not you but the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. Self-realization is to realize that the ‘Self is not you, but the ‘Self’ is the Soul.
If the Self is not you, but the Self is the Soul automatically the waking experience (the world in which you exist) becomes unreal, the same way, the dream became unreal when the waking took place.
Within the dualistic illusion whatever is not to happen will not happen try as you may. Within the dualistic illusion, whatever is to happen will happen, whatever you may do to prevent it. The best course, therefore, is to realize the ‘Self’ is not you but the Soul, the Self.
Just wait and watch. Everything is a passing show. Our suffering is part of the illusory play of consciousness. Suffering comes to turn our attention from outward to inward to find answers to many questions.
The one that appears as waking one that appears as a dream and one that remains without the waking or dream is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.
The one at witnessed the dream as a whole is not you but Soul. The same witness is the witness of the waking experience. And the same witness remains without waking or dream in deep sleep.
The Soul is the witness (Seer) and the Soul is witnessed (Seen). In reality, there is neither the witness (Seer) nor the witnessed (Seen) because they are one in essence. That essence is the Soul, the Advaita.: ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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