Friday, August 30, 2019

Avadhuta Gita: ~ “The Atman cannot be purified through the practice of the six limbs of yoga, or through the annihilation of the mind, or through the instruction of a teacher.+*****

Avadhuta Gita: ~ “The Atman cannot be purified through the practice of the six limbs of yoga, or through the annihilation of the mind, or through the instruction of a teacher. The Atman is the Reality Itself and It is Purity itself."

From the standpoint of the Soul, the ‘Self’, the visions and Samadhi belong to the illusion because they are based on the false ‘Self’ (ego) within the false experience (waking).

It is not possible to stop thought for more than a half-second whilst in the waking state. If one succeeds in controlling thought and then banishes it, one passes into Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which is identical with deep sleep. The only difference between ordinary deep sleep and Samadhi, therefore, is that the ordinary man falls asleep involuntarily whereas the yogi has the satisfaction of knowing that he has passed into sleep by his own effort of will in banishing thoughts.

Yogic Sage Patanjali warns against sleep as a hindrance to yoga, he means when it occurs in the early stages of the practice before one has obtained the power of control and consequently to banish the thoughts. This fact that Samadhi is deep sleep is kept secret because people would not be tempted to take up yoga.

The yoga sharpens the ego, to enable it to keep away all extraneous thoughts when one gets out to reason in the practice of the next higher stage, i.e. Gnana. Yoga is thus simply a sharpening stone for the ego to enable it to take up Advaitic Gnana.

In Sutra Bashya and Mundaka: ~ Samadhi and sleep are identical. Brihad Upanishad does not advocate Samadhi.:~Santthosh Kumaar

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