Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Instead of finding fault first realize what the Self is in actuality. Honest introspection will reveal that all fault lies with “you” and “your "own perceptions and attitudes.+

Instead of finding fault first realize what the Self is in actuality. Honest introspection will reveal that all fault lies with “you” and “your "own perceptions and attitudes. If there is an error in understanding what 'Self' is in actuality, it is in “you". 

Correcting this and changing to a Soulcentric attitude will change your perception and then the Soul; the 'Self' will reveal its formless, timeless, and spaceless true nature. 

If you are unable to grasp the truth hidden by the ‘I’ then you will never be able to grasp nonduality or Advaita. 

Do not force yourself to follow the Atmic path. This is best suited for those who fickle mindset. 

Please dig into older posts and blogs you will find answers to all your questions. Without reading the full subject matter coming to a judgment on your own point of view will not get you the wisdom. 

The Advaitic wisdom is not suited for the unsettled mind, which is stuck to their own opinion and judgment based on their accumulated knowledge. There is no use in convincing such a mindset. Everyone is free to move on his chosen path.

Swami Vivekananda: ~ “The wicked are always looking for defects. Flies come and seek for the ulcer, and bees come only for the honey in the flower. Do not follow the way of the fly but that of the bee.

There is no need to agree or disagree with what I say. If you are sure about what you know is the ultimate truth then why worry about moving on your chosen path. 

The Atmic path is not a question-and-answer session. The Atmic path is not the path of exchange of views and opinions. 

I have bifurcated what is not needed to realize the truth that is hidden by the illusory form, time, and space. 

Some people expect me to comment on their individual views, opinions, and experiences. I do not want to mix others' views opinions and experiences, which is of no use in the Atmic path. I share only what is revealed to me from the inner core. 

Self-knowledge will not arise from the exchange of views opinions and arguments. The accumulated knowledge is not a yardstick, to realize the truth beyond the form, time, and space.

In the path of wisdom discussion of the unimportant subject matter, it creates a hindrance. The path of truth is the path of verification. Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verification. 

Agreeing to disagree causes unnecessary friction. Sharing is giving info for the sake of goodness. As with all things, achieving a balance of peaceful communication is established with respect, humility, understanding, and patience. Balancing an achievement is harder.

The seeker has to stop passing unimportant opinions in the Atmic path. The Atmic path is not the path of discussion, but the path of realization of the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space.:~Santthosh Kumaar 

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