Wednesday, August 14, 2019

There is no need to follow any Gurus or any teaching or any path to get Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara.+

Sage Sankara has already declared what is the ultimate truth and what is the untruth. His declaration is final. There is no need to follow any Gurus or any teaching or any path to get the Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara.

Sage Sankara says: ~ Atman is Brahman. The Atman alone is real is not religious truth. Sage Sankara declared this Advaitic truth, which is the ultimate truth to the whole world, many centuries back is the rational truth, scientific truth, and ultimate truth.

The Atman which is present in the form of consciousness is real and eternal, the world in which we exist is merely an illusion.

There is no need to search for the truth, The truth is already declared by Sage Sankara you have to realize the world in which you exist is merely an illusion created out of the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. to realize this simple truth, why you are struggling.

That is why Bhagavan Buddha: ~ Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.

That is why Sage Sankara says:~VC-65- As a treasure hidden underground requires (for its extraction) competent instruction, excavation, the removal of stones and other such things lying above it, and (finally) grasping, but never comes out by being (merely) called out by name, so the transparent truth of the Self, which is hidden by Maya and its effects is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, followed by reflection, meditation and so forth, but not through perverted arguments.

To realize the Self is not you but the ‘Self’ is the Soul, there is no need for a Guru, there is no need to study scriptures, there is no need to go to the mountain, there is no need for gurus blessing or grace. There is no need to waste your fortune and precious time of your life. There is no need to follow anyone

If you have an intense urge and are ready to drop all your accumulated knowledge and start afresh then you are fit and ready to take this mental journey.

Ashtavakra Gita 16:10:~ If you desire liberation, but you still say "I," If you feel the ‘Self’ is the ‘I’, You are not a wise man or a seeker. You are simply a man who suffers.

So-called spiritual paths are useless unless they cause us to seek the truth of our true existence. All controversies about creation, the nature of the universe, evolution, the purpose of God, etc., are useless in the Atmic path.

Bhagavan Buddha: ~ ‘There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth: not going all the way... and not starting.

Throw the mental garbage and start NOW.

Swami Vivekananda: This bending the knee to superstitions, this selling yourself to your own mind does not befit you, the Soul. Self is infinite, deathless, and birthless. Because the Self is infinite Spirit, it does not befit you to be a slave. ... Arise! Awake!

Sage Sankara said: ~ Neither by the practice of yoga nor philosophy, nor by good works nor by learning, does liberation come, but only through the realization that Atman and Brahman are one in no other way. (1) Vivekachoodamani v 56, pg 25

Why you are waiting, conquer the truth on your own independently.:~Santthosh Kumaar

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