Sunday, September 1, 2024

There is no scientific proof that God exists; neither is there any proof that God does not exist.+

There is no scientific proof that God exists; neither is there any proof that God does not exist. That is where rational drift outside the scientific path. They make assertions about matters of faith, forgetting their own principles. They can say at the most there is no proof of God's existence. They cannot proceed further and assert that God does not exist because it is impossible to verify through scientific experiments.

Max Planck ~Father of quantum physics says: ~ Science has no answer to it. Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.

Until scientists become the seekers of truth, the truth will not be revealed. The truth of the universe cannot be got under the microscope.

When all their invention fails to yield the truth they have to use their reason to reach the ultimate core of their existence.

The man who possesses the highest intellect can grasp Advaita, by merely hearing the truth mentioned will know it.

Bhagavad Gita: ~ Reason as a means to reality. (Chap.18 verse 37)

In chap. 10 of in Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says: ~ I cannot save you, but I can give you Buddhi (reason). (chap. 10)

In chap. 10 of in Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says: ~ "I have given you the most secret teaching, now reflect over it all" Krishna plainly says reflect, think. (Verse 63 of Chap. 18)

Mundaka Upanishad says: ~ Both states are harmful and take you away from the path of inquiry into truth. (Page 234)

Ashtavakra Gita: ~ It is not the absence of Buddhi (Reason) that can grasp Advaita but the man who possesses the highest intellect. Brains are necessary. Such a man, by merely hearing the truth mentioned will know it. (Page~ 224)

The reality is that the mass believes in God's existence. The reality is ideas of God are many and lead to wars and terrorism. Admittedly, there is at any one time, far greater unanimity about scientific truths but those truths are merely hypotheses liable to be superseded in the future. 

Rationalists are right in condemning superstition as dangerous and harmful. They overstep when assert science has the answers. As of today, it does not. Nothing becomes a scientist more than humility.

The creator and creation theory is based on the false self  (ego)within the false experience(waking). 

There is neither creation in the realm of ultimate truth or Brahman because there is no scope for duality of any sort. The ultimate conclusion is that there is no second thing exists other than consciousness. 

Everything is consciousness thus diversity has no value in light of wisdom. Thus recognizing the mind or the illusion or universe or duality or three states as consciousness in the midst of diversity brings unity in diversity.

God in truth is not based on blind belief. Holding  God based on blind belief is holding the dualistic illusion as a reality because the belief is possible only within the realm of the dualistic illusion.

From the ultimate standpoint, the world in which we exist is a dualistic illusion.

Without the belief of God, the belief system holds no water. Belief is not God. Belief needs a believer. The believer needs to be born in this world. If a believer is born then he is part of the dualistic illusion. 

Without the believer, there is no belief. The believer and his world and his belief in the religious idea of God are part of the dualistic illusion because the ‘Self’ is birthless and deathless because the ‘Self’ is the Soul, which is the ever-formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

The one, which is born, lives, and dies, is not the ‘Self’. The Soul, the ‘Self’ is a formless substance and witness of the falsehood (universe or waking or illusion), which is the Soul which is present in the form of consciousness. Consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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