Sunday, September 22, 2019

Advaitic Gnana cannot be transmitted neither from outside nor from another person. Guru of everyone is only the Soul the Self that is always revealing on its own.+

A Gnani is the one who makes the seeker realize there is no other  Guru other than the Soul, the Self.   

You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual.  There is no other teacher, but the Soul, the Self. 

Advaitic Gnana cannot be transmitted neither from outside nor from another person. Guru of everyone is only the Soul the Self that is always revealing on its own.

The grace of the Guru is only that Self-awareness that is the nature of the Soul. It is the Soul, the innermost Self is unceasingly revealing its existence. This revelation is always going on naturally in every serious seeker. 

Advaitic Gnana is given neither from outside nor from another person. It can be realized by the seeker on his own. The Gnana Guru of everyone is only the Soul the ‘Self’ that is always revealing its own is the seeker is receptive and serious in quest of truth. 

Come ye slow, or come ye fast; it is but the Soul, the Advaita that reveals itself at last.

The seeker must dig into all my old and new posts and blogs he will find answers to all his questions and doubts, there is no need to ask any further.

As you go deeper and deeper digging into my posts and blogs all your doubts and confusion will be cleared.

The Atmic path is not a question and answer session it is a path of discovering and realizing the world in which you exist is created out of single stuff. That single stuff is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. Knowledge of the Single stuff is Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana Atma Gnana.

When you start thinking independently then the inner revelation will start clearing all the obstacles that were blocking your realization. Deeper thinking and reasoning are very much needed in pursuit of truth.

Your urge is at the seed level. As you go on reading the words of wisdom, it will start growing. It takes time for the egocentric subconscious to accept the Soul-centric truth. 

The Truth is very simple, but it is very difficult to grasp because of ignorance. There is no need to search for the truth, because, the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness, is the ultimate truth.

Only when the conviction of the Soul becomes firm then only you will be able to accept the world in which you exist is nothing but consciousness. 

You have to only realize the world in which you exist is created out of a single clay. And that single clay is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. 

Thus, you and your body and the world in which you exist are nothing but consciousness. They cease to exist without consciousness.

You have to think and reason deeply Thus, you and your body and the world in which you exist are nothing but consciousness because they are merely an illusion created out of the consciousness. A perfect understanding of ‘what is what’ is needed.

Perfect understanding and assimilation of ‘what is what,’ leads to a perfect conviction of ‘What is the truth?” and ‘What is the untruth? Perfect conviction of the truth leads to Advaitic self-awareness.


I can point at the sky, but the seeing of the star is the seeker's own work. It is necessary to reflect on the same truth again and again till it becomes a reality. One needs to constantly reflect on the subject until he gets a firm conviction of what is what.

People need to read and hear the words of wisdom, think reason, reflect deeply, and reach the ultimate end. 

You have to only realize the world in which you exist is created out of a single clay. And that single clay is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. Thus, you and your body and the world in which you exist are nothing but consciousness.

You have to think and reason deeply. It is necessary to reflect on the same truth again and again till it becomes a reality. One needs to constantly reflect on the subject until he gets a firm conviction of what is what.

People need reading and hear the words of wisdom to think deeply and reach the ultimate end. Everyone’s inner work is on.

The seeker must make an effort to understand assimilate and realize the Advaitic truth, which is beyond form, time, and space.

Until a man is ripe to receive Self-knowledge, he will not be able to understand what I am saying. Even though you may find it difficult at first as you go on reading the post your subconscious will start dropping the dualistic egocentric knowledge and start accepting the Soul-centric Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

It is your intense urge that will take you to the ultimate goal. Patience and humility will help you to reach what you are seeking. 

Millions are searching for truth, but one in a million will realize it. If you are a truth seeker then you are, one of those million. 

The Soul, the  'Self' reveals ‘what is real’ and ‘what is unreal” when the seeker is receptive and ready.

It takes time for the seeker to gain the perfect understanding of ‘what is the truth’ and ‘’what is untruth’.
It takes time for the Soul, the Self to wake up from the sleep of ignorance, and it takes time for one to realize the 'Self"(truth), hidden by the ignorance (I).
Slowly but surely you must imbibe the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space by realizing that form, time and space are one in essence.
When you enthrone the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness in your subconscious, you will realize the world in which you exist is merely an illusory play of consciousness.
Consciousness is ‘One’, and all divisions of form, time, and space are illusory. Be established in this Advaitic Truth, which is eternal.   : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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