Saturday, November 23, 2019

It is time now to realize and have the firm conviction of Sage Sakara’s declaration Atman is Brahman.~ the world is an illusion Brahman alone is real as the finality.+

It is no use the seeker should spend the lifetime in search of the truth they are seeking for. The truth is already declared by Sage Sankara 1200 years back then why are you searching the truth. Sage Sakara’s declaration Atman is Brahman.~ the world is an illusion Brahman alone is real, is the Advaitic truth, rational truth, scientific truth, and the ultimate truth.
It is time now to realize and have the firm conviction of Sage  Sakara’s declaration Atman is Brahman.~ the world is an illusion Brahman alone is real as the finality. There is nothing to contradict Sage Sakara’s declaration because there is only Oneness.

There is no need to search for the Guru the Soul, the  Self itself is the Guru.
Many Gurus describes to perfection is the awakening to Reality ~the realization that pure Consciousness alone is, that the perpetually fluctuating and evanescent contents of the mind derive from it. This awakening effectively happens in an instant. But in order for the lightning flash to take place, resulting in a firm and unshakable certitude, long labor is necessary, which they seem to underestimate. “Truth is formless is their answer.
Many Guru's teaching seems essentially negative, potent but bitter medicine for those imprisoned by institutional cults. They break the disciple bonds but then lead him to a vast desert where he abandons him.
The ultimate state of consciousness they describe is that of the traditional Gurs or fully enlightened being, but they do not show us the process leading to the realization of this state. They describe marvelously the goal but do not indicate the steps to be taken: their recurring phrases "unified consciousness" and "let go" and "'love alone" are not a road-map.
Most of the Gurus and Yogis s approach was more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the 'I', they take it as real. All their teachings of Advaita is based on the dualistic perspective. Such teaching will not yield the truth of the whole.
There is no need to wander in search of truth from one mountain to another, one guru to another, one ashram to another and remain away from home in ashrams the whole life to get Self-realization.
The guidance comes from any form when the seeker is ready and receptive to take the mental (inner) journey. 
People who are stuck accepting the ‘Self’ as the ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ are eaten only the half-cooked food and they are satisfied with half-baked knowledge. And they will not be able to grasp digest the fullness the consciousness because their conviction about it is deep-rooted. 
Thus, they remain in ignorance thinking they know everything without fully knowing ‘what is what’.
Self~ knowledge is available to serious and sincere seekers on my spiritual groups in  FB. The seeker can avail of it in the spare time at the comfort of home or workplace in fact anywhere in his spare time attending to his practical life within the practical world.  

People, who claim that their doubts vanish merely by sitting in the presence of a yogi, have merely been hypnotized.

Religion and mysticism are a species of mesmerism affecting weaker or impressionable minds. The complete and impressive array of a Guru’s religious robes lifestyle creates the unconscious suggestion in the weaker mindset of superior power or magical knowledge.

The visitors to ashrams are suggested in thinking they experience great peace because they are unconsciously hypnotized into believing that will happen. But when a strong disciplined philosophic mind meets a Guru or visits an ashram, he is entirely unaffected.

People think that by meeting Gurus and yogis and by visiting the Ashrams they feel much peace as a result. But such peace and feeling is nothing to with the ultimate truth or Brahman. That is only hallucinated peace. Such hallucinated peace has nothing t to do with the question of truth. 

A person, who has eaten well, may also feel much satisfaction and contentment; his feeling is similar to the yogi. Such feeling and satisfaction are a reality within the duality. The duality is not a reality from the standpoint of Soul, the Self.

When the follower of mysticism sits before the yogic-Guru, he may see all kinds of visions; the explanation is that he expects certain experiences and gets them, or else the Guru suggests them; the mind of the follower creates the entire experience. It is precisely the same as experiences of a hypnotic subject, which are the consequences of a stronger mindset working on a weaker one.

Without a prior suggestion, it is impossible to impress, people. So, there must be the prior suggestion strongly felt and accepted that one is entering the presence of a powerful yogi. Otherwise, the words or person of a yogi will fail to impress the visitors; all the visions, experiences, etc., which afterward occur are a matter of suggestibility.

Believers of religion and mysticism who are anxious for a mystic or occult experience often get it. But it is only a mental construction of their own, suggested originally from outside.

Suggestions may even come to one from a book or someone or read or seen, and thinking of them a number of times; then when he meets and sit before a yogic Guru for the first time, the suggestion comes up from the past or subconscious and gives you a vision or mystic experience. 

The whole thing is superimposition. So, he is led by a constant dwelling on a thought, to the manufacture of it as a projected experience. The complex overcomes them. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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