Sunday, December 8, 2019

Samskara or conditioning is a prison of ignorance. The religious believer gets religious samskara. Atheist get atheistic samskaras.+

Samskara or conditioning is a prison of ignorance. The religious believer gets religious samskara.  Athiest get atheistical samskaras. Samskara or conditioning makes one think within the purview of their samskara or conditioning. 
Religious upbringing is a major cause, which blocks one from realizing the Self hidden by ignorance. The orthodox people have narrow-minded outlook because they think what religious samskaras they inherited from their forefathers as the ultimate truth.
The garbage of the religious beliefs dogmas superstition is confounded with the human imagination. The great reality of the glory of the religious Gods hyped and obscured by so much tinsel and commercialism.
Spirituality is not theology. Advaita is not a philosophy but Advaita is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God. Advaita is Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana or knowledge of the Spirit or GOD

Hindus get samskara as Hindu. Christian get samskara as Christian. Muslim get samskara as Muslim. Buddhist get samskara as Buddhist.

The seeker of truth should not start with the idea of God. The seeker does not know whether there is God or not. There is no proof. The seeker needs proof of God's existence.
There is need not doubt that people saw Shiva, Jesus, etc. That they saw visions may be an undeniable fact. But the question is “Was what they saw the Truth?" They no doubt had such vision but they never stopped to inquire if their visions be true.
After years of effort glorifying the Christ when Christian closes his eyes and Christ comes to him.
After years of effort glorifying the Krishna when a Hindu closes his eyes and Krishna comes to him.
After years of effort glorifying the Buddha when a Buddhist closes his eyes and Buddha comes to him.
After years of effort glorifying the Mahavira when a Jain closes his eyes and Mahavira comes to him.
Christ doesn’t come to a Hindu; Mahavira doesn’t come to a Christian. Buddha doesn’t come to a Jain: only the image projected in the subconscious will come. The image became almost solid. It became so real from constant repetition, from continuous remembering, that it seemed projected deity was standing in from of him. No one was standing there.
Wherever is projected is merely an illusion created out of the consciousness. Any experience is possible only within the domain of form, time, and space. Whatever belongs to the form, time and space are merely an illusion.
The illusion is created out of single stuff and that single stuff is the consciousness. The knowledge of the single stuff is Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.
In reality, consciousness alone exists without the division of the form, time, and space. There is no second here, no other. From the standpoint of the Soul, the form, time and space are merely an illusion.
The seeker has to take all the facts, and then proceed to examine and analyze, how far is it true?”
To talk of seeking God is as meaningless as saying "seeking dog". It is only a hollow word. one must know God in truth. :~Santthosh Kumaar

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