Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Gnani is not cut off from practical life within the practical world, because ultimate truth or Brahman is neither realism nor idealism; it is beyond both these.

Many people make interpretations based on assumptions. Reason based on the true self, takes one to the ultimate end. Yoga is not the means for self-realization because yoga is based on the false self and Yoga cannot replace reason, which does not require physical action.  Wisdom requires only discrimination of real from the false.

For Gnani regards his body and the world as an object. Formless   Witness is like railway station and waking or dream is like train and deep sleep is like station alone without the train.  The station is unaffected by the coming and going of the train. Thus individual experiences of birth, life, death and the world are happening within the waking or dream.  The self is nothing to do with the individual experiences happening waking or dream.

There is no man but mind. There is no universe but mind. There is no god but mind. There is no waking but mind.  The man and his universe and his individual god and waking experience exist only when the mind exist. The mind exists because of ignorance. The ignorance is there until the illusion is experienced as reality.      The mind is myth. The world is myth the waking experience is myth.

Consciousness is that which knows everything, that which sees. Consciousness alone remains after one gets rid of all thoughts and ideas by identification with self. Consciousness is only the seer; it is not Brahman that is an error. It becomes Brahman only after deeper  inquiry and reasoning.

Gnani is not cut off from practical life within the practical world, because ultimate truth or Brahman   is neither realism nor idealism; it is beyond both these.

The non-dualistic truth is a rational or scientific truth declared by Buddha and Sri,Sankara centuries back but unfortunately the original essence of the rational non-duality is lost because  mainly because of orthodoxy and adulteration   and add-ons which are based on the ego, which is the false self.

The seeker has first indulge in deeper self-search without scriptures and understand assimilate the truth independently to realize the real non-dualistic essence, which leads to self-awareness. Thus independent thinking, reasoning and judgment is very much necessary in pursuit of truth. --FORMLESS PATH 

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