Tuesday, September 18, 2012

For proof of God's creation of the world one has to go back to a time when there was no universe

For proof of God's creation of the world one has to go back to a time when there was no universe. Since this is impossible, there is no proof of creation. Hence Buddha kept silent. Hence four schools of Buddhism sprang up later which varied from realism to emptiness claiming to interpret his silence.

That the mind is within the brain skull is a fallacy. Mind cannot be measured.   No one knows that mind is confined to the brain skull.  

A tiny mustard seed and mountain ranges ocean and the vast sky and the sun are within the mind, which is in the form of universe. Thus limiting the mind to physical entity is cause of the ignorance.  If mind is there the universe is there. If universe is there the experience of the birth, life and death are there. Without the mind the universe ceases to exist as universe but it becomes one with the formless stuff from which it is made. That formless stuff is consciousness. Thus consciousness is the formless substance and also it is the formless witness and it is also the source of the mind.  Thus the formless substance, witness and the source are one in essence. 

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