Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The ultimate truth is not bound by religion, yoga, concept of god and scriptures.

Yoga and religion are based on belief.  Yoga and religion is easier than path of wisdom or  truth, which involves intellectual difficulty and thinking. When people say that it is said by so and so in scripture or authority that is because they are intellectually lazy, they do not want to think, their mind wants rest. The man who thinks who alone can understand, assimilate and realize it. Reason based on formless witness   goes to the very root of the matter. Reason based on the formless witness deals with Truth.

The ultimate truth is not bound by religion, yoga,  concept of god and scriptures.  Personal god is only a part of the part of the illusion or universe or waking, and the consciousness, which is the innermost self   is the only reality and has nothing to do with religion. The main hurdle is the way of thinking. In practical life within the practical world one thinks on the base of ego and it is very much needed in practical life. But in pursuit of truth when becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not the waking entity or ego then it is no use of thinking and reasoning on the base of form [ego]  but one has to learn to think and reason on the base of formless. Thus the reasoning base has to be rectified from form to formless in order to understand, assimilate and realize the non-dualistic or ultimate truth.  

The non-dualistic or Advaitic  truth is a rational or scientific truth declared by Buddha and Sri,Sankara centuries back but unfortunately the original essence of the rational nonduality is lost because  mainly because of orthodoxy and adulteration   and add-ons which are based on the ego, which is the false self.

The seeker has first indulge in deeper self-search without scriptures and understand assimilate the truth independently to realize the real non-dualistic essence, which leads to self-awareness. Thus independent thinking, reasoning and judgment is very much necessary in pursuit of truth. 

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