Thursday, September 27, 2012

BUDDHA SAID: - Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held.

When the self is formless there is no need for pada pooja (feet worship) of Advaitin gurus to get freedom. A guru, who preaches conduct as the means to freedom, believes in birth, life death and the world as reality, whereas the Advaitic sage Sri, Sankara declares the world as unreal.  Therefore, how actions performed in unreal world can get moksha or freedom. Therefore there is need to know the fact that, the self is not physical in order to understand and assimilate and realize the truth beyond physicality.

That is why Sage Sri,  Gaudapada said: - The merciful Veda teaches karma and Upaasana to people of lower and middling intellect, while Jnana is taught to those of higher intellect. Thus Goudapada suggest that the religious paths and worship of guru and conceptual god are lower and middling intellect.  But in this modern world people are sharp enough to understand and assimilate ultimate truth or Brahman or god. Thus people who wants higher truth then it is high time to discard the lower knowledge and move ahead to realize the ultimate truth, which is Brahman or God.  

That is why Sage Sri, Sankara says :-  VC- 65. As a treasure hidden underground requires (for its extraction) competent instruction, excavation, the removal of stones and other such things lying above it and (finally) grasping, but never comes out by being (merely) called out by name, so the transparent Truth of the self, which is hidden by Maya and its effects, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, followed by reflection, meditation and so forth, but not through perverted arguments.

66. Therefore the wise should, as in the case of disease and the like, personally strive by all the means in their power to be free from the bondage of repeated births and deaths.

When one realizes the fact that, the whole universe and its contents, movable and immovable, is known to be consciousness, and thus the existence of everything else is negated, where is then any room to say that the universe is universe. Universe and its contents bound to be consciousness.  
Sri , Sanakara said:- VC -65. As a treasure hidden underground requires (for its extraction) competent instruction, excavation, the removal of stones and other such things lying above it and (finally) grasping, but never comes out by being (merely) called out by name, so the transparent Truth of the self, which is hidden by Maya and its effects, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, followed by reflection, meditation and so forth, but not through arguments.

One cannot expect mental spoon feeding for everything.  Seeker has to do his own homework.  One will not understand it through argument, which leads nowhere but to perversity. 
That is why BUDDHA SAID: - Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true.
Swami Vivekananda said: - “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”

The real Moksha or freedom is   to realize the fact that ‘I’ consciousness is mere physical awareness. Physical awareness is not self-awareness. The self –awareness is   when the formless soul or consciousness, the innermost self remains aware of its own awareness.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The mind cannot be stilled without acquiring the Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

The mind cannot be stilled without  acquiring the Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. People try all the mental and physical acrobatics to still the mind. Until they are based on the body the thoughts will go on appearing. Until thoughts are there the stillness is impossible. The thoughts will stop only when there is perfect understanding through non dual wisdom. The thoughts cannot arise without the form, feeling, perception, mental formation and consciousness. If one of these is missing then the thought will not form.

 To make the mind still one has to have the perfect understanding of the whole experience without mixing up with accumulated ideas from the religion, scriptures and yogic ideas and theoretical knowledge based on the logic.  The mind becomes still only when one accepts the fact that consciousness is the true self, and rejects ‘I’ as self mentally.  There is no use of seeking truth on the base of ‘I’ which is not the self.  This base can be rectified through deeper Self-search through perfect understanding and assimilating. Though it may look difficult at first gradually the serious seeker will get a hang of it, and will start feeling the non-dual tranquillity.

 This is possible only through constant mental effort through reflection on the formless witness of the three states.

 The word illusion is used as suggestion to the subconscious to bifurcate the real from the unreal. Since truth pursuit is completely a mental journey, suggesting the right suggestions to subconscious is the only way. The word illusion scares many, but there is no need to get scared, nothing is lost, only the ignorance will disappear and one will be able to view and judge the birth, life and death on the base of consciousness, thus the burden of the duality will be shifted from form to formless thus one gets freedom from experiencing the duality which he is experiencing as reality right here and now, consciously living within the duality, until it disappears on its own and become one with the eternal identity. 

Thus, it is necessary to acquire the self-knowledge or Bramha Gnana or Atma Gnana in order to unfold the truth.

There is no sense or purpose in doer ship. The individual experiences are happening on its own accord within the false experience. Things do not happen because anyone is doing it. Since the body is mere an experience not an experiencer. Therefore, the physical body is not the author of the doing. Thus, body is not the author; the soul is the true author. Thus, man cannot take the authorship of the doing, which is mere happening within the false experience. Thus, it is necessary to acquire the self-knowledge or Bramha Gnana or Atma Gnana in order to unfold the truth. --FORMLESS PATH

There is no need to condemn the any religion but one has to know the fact that, it is meant for the mass mind set and it is not the means to Self-Realization

The ultimate truth declared by Sri, Sankara – THE WORLD IS UNREAL AND BRAHMAN ALONE IS REAL AND EVERYTHING IS BRAHMAN - has to be discovered by the seekers of truth on their own by bifurcating religion, concept of God, Gurus, scriptures and yoga.
 There is no need to condemn the any religion but one has to know the fact that, it is meant for the mass mind set and it is not the means to Self-Realization or Truth Realization.  There is no need to study religious doctrine in order to acquire Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

There is no need to condemn the religion, concept of god and scriptures or indulge in criticizing the religious gurus, but there is need highlight how they are hindrance in realizing the ultimate truth or Brahman. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

To love God as he ought to be loved, we must love for God and die for God, knowing that the goal of life is to know God, and find him as our own self.

Meher Baba said: - To love God as he ought to be loved, we must love for God and die for God, knowing that the goal of life is to know God, and find him as our own self.

To realize God is to attain liberation from the bondage of illusion. 

Live only to find and realize your true identity with your beloved God.

The energy which is expended in mere thinking, taking or writing is like steam which escapes through the whistle of railway engines …

That is why the sages have always insisted on practice rather than theory. This applies particularly to those who want to know and realize God. 
-----It means one has to one has to know and realize his innermost self is God and identify it has his true identity to find liberation from the bondage of the illusion of birth, life, death and world[duality]. The goal of our life is to find and realize our identity with our beloved God, which is our innermost self. --FORMLESS PATH

Dali lama said that as an individual he believes in rebirth as he had come across a few cases of rebirth.++****

Dalai Lama said:~Buddhism need not to be the best religion though it is more scientific and religion and inquisitive. But Buddhism has no answer to certain questions like the existence of Atama [soul] and rebirth. Dali lama said that as an individual he believes in rebirth as he had come across a few cases of rebirth. Modern science, Dalai Lama hoped would unearth the mystery behind the rebirth. (In DH –dec-212009-Gulburga).

The same way all religions of the world and all philosophies of the world are based on individuality(ego) find no answers for many questions. Truth seekers all over the world are trying to find answers for themselves, and they imagine and write articles and books of their ideas and others will read and blindly accept them as truth.

There is no need to condemn any ones’ views and ideas or writing, but without being judgmental, the seeker has to verify whether the author is speaking on the standpoint of ego, or whether he is speaking on the standpoint of the soul, the innermost self. If his views are based on the standpoint of the physical self (waking entity or ego), then there are many doubts and confusion. If his views are based on the soul, the innermost self then there is no confusion and doubts of any sort. 

Nothing has to be accepted without verifying the validity of any claim in pursuit of truth. Only the un - contradictable truth has to be accepted as truth. There is no need to condemn any religion or any saints or sages, but seeker has to think beyond religion, scriptures and individualized Gods.:~Santthosh Kumaar 

It for the seeker to discover and realize, no one else can realize it for him

What is it that functions as body and perceives the world, as a person, without that invisible entity the body cannot function and perceives the world within the waking or dream.

If one traces the formless witness, then he will know the individual experience is not of his, but of the formless witness (soul). Therefore he himself can decide who has to take the authorship of individual experience within the waking or dream. If one makes little mental effort through inquiry and reasoning, he will able to move towards the effortless state, which is natural state of the mind.

One has to question himself: what is it that functioning as body and perceives the world as person. If person is not the experience of person, then what is it that experiences itself as person? These seeds of doubts will help one to peel the illusion and, there will be no illusion left, only non-dual reality will prevail as ultimate truth, which is the soul or consciousness. It for the seeker to discover and realize, no one else can realize it for him. -FORMLESS PATH 

If the self is not the waking entity than one has to investigate 'what is self?' in order to know the truth of his true existence

The individual experiences within the world are within the waking or dream. The soul, which is in the form of consciousness, is the witness of the mind, which is in the form of universe and universe appears as waking or dream. Thus the mind is mere mirage created out of the consciousness.  On the standpoint of the consciousness, the three states are mere mirage. The substance and witness of the mirage is real and eternal. 

Thus the onus is on person who dispute, has to prove that the burden of the three states is on the individual physical entity.

The question based on the waking  entity (ego) is of no use. Therefore, one has to make sure of the fact that, whether 'I', is the physical entity or 'I, is something other than the waking  entity.  If the self is not the waking  entity than one has to investigate  'what is self?'  in order  to know the truth of his true existence. --FORMLESS PATH 

If “Self” is not form but formless then whatever functions itself as form and perceives the world, as a person within the waking or dream is bound to be falsehood.

If “Self” is not form but formless then whatever functions itself as form  and perceives the world, as a person within the waking or dream is  bound to be falsehood.

If self is not the form then the time and space, and time and space are present only when the form is present is bound to be falsehood.  If form, time and space are falsehood than the universe which is present only when the form, time and space are present is bound to be falsehood. If universe is falsehood than the waking which is in the form of universe is bound to be falsehood.   If the waking experience is falsehood than all the three states bound to be falsehood. If the three states are falsehood then the individual experience of birth, life and death are bound to be falsehood.  The self, which is formless soul or consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states is real and eternal. The formless soul or consciousness is cause of everything that exist as falsehood or illusion and it itself is uncaused. --FORMLESS PATH   

The duality (mind or universe) disappears as non-duality (deep sleep).

Dualists could not distinguish between ‘I’ and ‘formless witness.’ They take ‘I’ as the self and witness. Their highest was the Jiva.

People are so much attached to the 'I' that they do not want to think that 'I' itself is mere illusion. Thus it is necessary to know the fact that “I’   is mind. And mind is universe. And universe is waking experience. And waking experience is illusion. Thus they are unable to detach the ‘I’ from the Real witness.

And dualists and intellectuals keep on objecting: - If everything else is false, your statement that self is Brahman is itself false.  Their

But when one says consciousness is false, there must be the awareness, consciousness, behind the very statement. The duality (mind or universe)   disappears as non-duality (deep sleep).  One has to rely upon that which is permanent. Formless witness or consciousness alone is permanent. Anything that one say is a he is saying within the illusion, but there is consciousness (formless witness)   before any statement could be made.

Again as a step leading to formless witness, the arguments, the three states avails. But if one knows the existence of the formless witness of the three states, nothing else remains to be known.

Talk as much philosophy as you like, worship as many gods as you please, observe ceremonies and sing devotional hymns, but liberation will never come, even after a hundred aeons, without realizing the Oneness.

Sage Sri,Sankara said:- Talk as much philosophy as you like, worship as many gods as you please, observe ceremonies and sing devotional hymns, but liberation will never come, even after a hundred aeons, without realizing the Oneness.

Consciousness is that which knows everything, that which sees. Consciousness alone remains after one gets rid of all thoughts and ideas by identification with self. Consciousness is only the seer; it is not Brahman that is an error. It becomes Brahman only after inquiry and reasoning.

The ‘I ‘or mind or universe, waking or dream, duality are one and the same thing. Since, ‘I’ is identified as self all the confusion. And taking ‘I’ or ‘I AM’   as self is the cause of confusion. Taking ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ as self is blocking the realization of ultimate truth.  The ‘I’ or universe is an object to the formless subject. Thus it is necessary to include the universe in the inquiry to realize the unreal nature of the ‘I’ or universe. 

When the whole universe, movable and immovable, is known to be consciousness, which is the inner most self and thus the existence of everything else is negated, where is then any room to say that the body is the self.

Without causing the objective universe to vanish and without knowing the truth of the Self, how is one to achieve.

Dualist or realists could not distinguish between ‘I’ and ‘formless witness.’  They take ‘I’ as self or witness. Their highest is to say ‘I AM THAT’ without verification. They are so much attached to the 'I' that they do not want to think that 'I' does not exist. Again one is unable to detach the ‘I’ from the Real witness, which is ever formless.

The dualist object: - If everything else is false than   the statement I am   Brahman is itself false, the but when one says nonduality is false, there must be the awareness, consciousness, behind the very statement. You will also go, die. One has to rely upon that which is permanent.  Formless witness of the ‘I’ alone is permanent. Anything that one says is a witnessed [waking], but there is the formless witness [consciousness] there before any statement could be made.

Dualist or realists approach is more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the world[I] , they take it as real.

The dualists or realists   are unaware on what standpoint the world is real and on what standpoint the world is unreal.

The world is real because it is a manifestation of consciousness, but is unreal, in the sense, that it is not absolute and eternal like consciousness itself. Thus from the ultimate stand point the world is unreal. Therefore whatever seen, known, believed and experienced as person within the practical world is bound to be unreal from ultimate stand point because of their impermanence. And the formless substance and witness of the mind or universe is real and eternal.   

The ultimate truth is not bound by religion, yoga, concept of god and scriptures.

Yoga and religion are based on belief.  Yoga and religion is easier than path of wisdom or  truth, which involves intellectual difficulty and thinking. When people say that it is said by so and so in scripture or authority that is because they are intellectually lazy, they do not want to think, their mind wants rest. The man who thinks who alone can understand, assimilate and realize it. Reason based on formless witness   goes to the very root of the matter. Reason based on the formless witness deals with Truth.

The ultimate truth is not bound by religion, yoga,  concept of god and scriptures.  Personal god is only a part of the part of the illusion or universe or waking, and the consciousness, which is the innermost self   is the only reality and has nothing to do with religion. The main hurdle is the way of thinking. In practical life within the practical world one thinks on the base of ego and it is very much needed in practical life. But in pursuit of truth when becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not the waking entity or ego then it is no use of thinking and reasoning on the base of form [ego]  but one has to learn to think and reason on the base of formless. Thus the reasoning base has to be rectified from form to formless in order to understand, assimilate and realize the non-dualistic or ultimate truth.  

The non-dualistic or Advaitic  truth is a rational or scientific truth declared by Buddha and Sri,Sankara centuries back but unfortunately the original essence of the rational nonduality is lost because  mainly because of orthodoxy and adulteration   and add-ons which are based on the ego, which is the false self.

The seeker has first indulge in deeper self-search without scriptures and understand assimilate the truth independently to realize the real non-dualistic essence, which leads to self-awareness. Thus independent thinking, reasoning and judgment is very much necessary in pursuit of truth. 

For proof of God's creation of the world one has to go back to a time when there was no universe

For proof of God's creation of the world one has to go back to a time when there was no universe. Since this is impossible, there is no proof of creation. Hence Buddha kept silent. Hence four schools of Buddhism sprang up later which varied from realism to emptiness claiming to interpret his silence.

That the mind is within the brain skull is a fallacy. Mind cannot be measured.   No one knows that mind is confined to the brain skull.  

A tiny mustard seed and mountain ranges ocean and the vast sky and the sun are within the mind, which is in the form of universe. Thus limiting the mind to physical entity is cause of the ignorance.  If mind is there the universe is there. If universe is there the experience of the birth, life and death are there. Without the mind the universe ceases to exist as universe but it becomes one with the formless stuff from which it is made. That formless stuff is consciousness. Thus consciousness is the formless substance and also it is the formless witness and it is also the source of the mind.  Thus the formless substance, witness and the source are one in essence. 

Gnani is not cut off from practical life within the practical world, because ultimate truth or Brahman is neither realism nor idealism; it is beyond both these.

Many people make interpretations based on assumptions. Reason based on the true self, takes one to the ultimate end. Yoga is not the means for self-realization because yoga is based on the false self and Yoga cannot replace reason, which does not require physical action.  Wisdom requires only discrimination of real from the false.

For Gnani regards his body and the world as an object. Formless   Witness is like railway station and waking or dream is like train and deep sleep is like station alone without the train.  The station is unaffected by the coming and going of the train. Thus individual experiences of birth, life, death and the world are happening within the waking or dream.  The self is nothing to do with the individual experiences happening waking or dream.

There is no man but mind. There is no universe but mind. There is no god but mind. There is no waking but mind.  The man and his universe and his individual god and waking experience exist only when the mind exist. The mind exists because of ignorance. The ignorance is there until the illusion is experienced as reality.      The mind is myth. The world is myth the waking experience is myth.

Consciousness is that which knows everything, that which sees. Consciousness alone remains after one gets rid of all thoughts and ideas by identification with self. Consciousness is only the seer; it is not Brahman that is an error. It becomes Brahman only after deeper  inquiry and reasoning.

Gnani is not cut off from practical life within the practical world, because ultimate truth or Brahman   is neither realism nor idealism; it is beyond both these.

The non-dualistic truth is a rational or scientific truth declared by Buddha and Sri,Sankara centuries back but unfortunately the original essence of the rational non-duality is lost because  mainly because of orthodoxy and adulteration   and add-ons which are based on the ego, which is the false self.

The seeker has first indulge in deeper self-search without scriptures and understand assimilate the truth independently to realize the real non-dualistic essence, which leads to self-awareness. Thus independent thinking, reasoning and judgment is very much necessary in pursuit of truth. --FORMLESS PATH 

Experience belongs to individuality

Experience belongs to individuality. And individuality is falsehood. There is neither individual nor his experience in reality. Man and his experience of the world cannot exist without waking experience. Whatever we are discussing, we are discussing within the waking experience. One has to know: whether physical body and the world are within the mind or the mind is within the physical body? 

The mind, physical body, ego and the world are present only, when the whole experience of the waking or dream is present. And mind is absent, when the waking or dream experience is absent. Thus one has to conclude the mind as the whole waking or dream experience. Thus the mind appears and disappears as waking or dream experience. All your arguments are truth only on the base of the ego, which is the false self, within the false experience (waking). The individual experiences within the waking are as real as dream.

 Suppose the same subject, if we are discussing in the dream and one asks me the same questions in the dream, then whatever he said in dream becomes unreal, when the waking takes place. Whatever one saying now, he is saying within the waking experience. The waking is unreal on the base of the formless witness, which is Atman. Atman is in the form consciousness. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Without knowing the nature of the universe, it is impossible to know the truth.

Without knowing the nature of the universe(mind), it is impossible to know the truth. It is of no use of trying to find the truth before one understands the nature of the universe. The world which confronts one is also consciousness itself therefore the world in which man exists is a mere mirage created out of consciousness, which is the innermost self. 

If one does not make his induction from facts from the world before him, the world of the five senses, he is only drawing on his imaginations. Then he says “The ‘Self’ is like this, or like that." but it will be only his imagination within the waking experience, which is mere illusion from ultimate standpoint. .

First seeker must inquire into the nature of the physical body i.e. Matter. Second he must inquire into the nature of the mind.

Most of the dualistic sages approach was more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the world, they took it as real. Whereas Sri, Sankara says: one must first know what is before him. If he cannot know that, what else can he know or understand? If he gives up the external world in his inquiry, he cannot get the whole truth.
Sage Sri, Sankara says- VC- 63. Without causing the objective universe to vanish and without knowing the truth of the Self, how is one to achieve Liberation by the mere utterance of the word Brahman? — It would result merely in an effort of speech..

By studying various scriptures one cannot be established in the true self, which is consciousness [soul] unless he drops all accumulated knowledge. Scriptures and yoga are preliminary steps but they are not the means to acquire self-knowledge or non-dual truth.

Getting certainty and irrefutable proof of our true existence without dogmatic assertion and assumption and speculation is the attitude of true seeker. One has to know the self in the truth.

All the study of scriptures and texts and teachings has to be dropped when one becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not physical but self is the soul (consciousness). One must think of always of the soul (consciousness) the witness of the three states; rather than the three states.

One may enjoy work or practice meditation but he will still yarn of that which is beyond all imagination ,all thinking and the objects and in which all the desire are extinguished. The subconscious goal of one’s search can only be non-duality.

The yardstick based on the accumulated knowledge is the greatest hindrance in pursuit of truth.

The yardstick based on the accumulated knowledge is the greatest hindrance in pursuit of truth. Lots of patience, humility is needed in pursuit of truth. Arguments on their point of view are the greatest hindrance in pursuit of truth. 

Thus holding any teacher and teaching or scriptures are the greatest hindrance in pursuit of truth. Devotional path, yogic path and path of love and humanity are meant for the practical life within the practical world and they are nothing to do with the path of truth or wisdom, because on the realm of truth the practical life and the practical world are mere illusion. Thus mixing them with path of truth or wisdom is like mixing oil into water. Intellectuality is based on individuality and individuality is egocentric. Thus the religious path, yogic path and intellectual path are great hindrance in pursuit of truth. Seekers of truth have to respect everyones views and wisdom without arguing but politely answering or keeping silence with others who try to cause disturbance with their egoic attitude. And never indulge condemning others who do not agree with each others view. Keeping internal distance with the people who indulge in perverted arguments and provokers is very much necessary in pursuit of truth. The inner calmness has to be gained which is very much necessary in pursuit of truth to move inward.

Man remains as the part of the objective world and tries to discover the ultimate truth not realizing the fact that, he and his experience of the universe is an object to the formless subject.

Just because we can't see the soul it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, although this is a common way in which people deny the existence of the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. People think the soul does not exist because their master say so or some teaching say so or some scriptures say so. First they must know the fact that, the soul is not individual but it is universal it pervades the whole universe as its formless substance. 

However, one can attest to the fact that, it does exist, because the whole physical existence is dependent on it. Even though one can't see it but he cannot exist without it. Without it nothing can exists and nothing can be known or seen or experienced. Until one thinks his body or ego as self, he will remain ignorant of the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. Thus he is remains unaware of the consciousness because he is in duality. He identifies the self with the physical body and becomes ignorant of the soul and experiences the duality as reality.

Man remains as the part of the objective world and tries to discover the ultimate truth not realizing the fact that, he and his experience of the universe is an object to the formless subject. He applies it to things seen as an individual. This is because he is ignorant of the relation between the formless subject [soul] and the object [mind or universe]. He judges everything on the base of the object as subject and trying to know and realize the ultimate truth on the base of objectified subject. Whatever objects are known by the ego, are objects within the object [universe].

The religion of the Veda knows no idols

The religion of the Veda knows no idols

Max Müller says:- "The religion of the Veda knows no idols; the worship of idols in India is a secondary formation, a degradation of the more primitive worship of ideal gods."

Therefore, there was no individual god or temples and worships in Vedic religion, which existed prior to Buddhism. Thus the individualized gods and temples must have been built later on, when the worships of idol were introduced. Thus the Vedic religion which existed in the past was free from idol and nature worship and idol worshiping rituals. 

Thus, the present day’s worship of individual gods, created things, nature and human are against Vedic teachings, and it looks like it has been fabricated and introduced by priest craft. Since it, has passed on from one generation to the next it is hard for the people to believe the truth of their own religion, because they have sentimentally and emotionally involved in it and they refuse to accept anything else other than their inherited beliefs.

Advaitic or Non-dual Wisdom will not rise from intellectual spoon feeding but it arises only from deeper self-search to the sincere and serious seeker who has an intense urge to know the ultimate truth or Brahman.

Pursuit of truth is not pursuit of argument. Until one makes his accepted truth as his yardstick without verification, he will never will be able to cross the threshold of duality because his understanding is based on the ego, is not matured enough to grasp the non- dualistic truth, which is prior to his physical existence or mind, which is in the form of the universe.

The guru is not needed in pursuit of truth because the truth has to be ascertained by seeker himself. Advaitic or Non-dual Wisdom will not rise from intellectual spoon feeding but it arises only from deeper self-search to the sincere and serious seeker who has an intense urge to know the ultimate truth or Brahman. 

Persons who are stuck with branded masters and guru and takes their guru's word as final without verifying the validity of their Guru's teaching. They are stuck with their egocentric intellectuality, which is the greatest hindrance in realizing the ultimate truth. Nothing has to be accepted truth without verification.

Without wisdom the ignorance will not vanish.

The truth is hidden within the duality but it is without the duality. Until one considers self is an individual he will remain in the realm of intellectuality. Intellectuality belongs to individuality and individuality is falsehood from ultimate standpoint. Thus it is no use arguing with such mind set who are not ready and receptive to grasp and realize non-dual truth because they are stuck with their accepted truth as ultimate truth, without verifying the facts and they remain like stagnant water in muddy pond. The guidance comes from any form when the seeker is ready and receptive to take the mental (inner) journey. 

The people who are stuck with ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ as self are eaten only the half cooked food are satisfied with half-knowledge and they will not be able to grasp digest the fullness or oneness of the self or Brahman because their conviction about it is deep rooted . Thus they remain in ignorance thinking they know everything without fully knowing what is what.

Some think using the language without the words they will attain the state of oneness by telling others not use words with words. The oneness does not arise by observing silence or without using language without words or trying to be in the thoughtlessness. The deep sleep is the state of thoughtlessness, silence, wordlessness, silence but it is not considered as state of oneness because any one can take a sleeping pill and will be able to get the state of one- ness. Thus trying to imitate the state of oneness in duality by observing silence, thoughtlessness, wordlessness or by yogic- Samadhi or surrendering to the physical guru the wisdom will not dawn.

Without wisdom the ignorance will not vanish. Thus getting rid of the ignorance through wisdom is the only way to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Truth must be verifiable; unless it is verifiable it is of no value.

The bookish knowledge is not wisdom. The knowledge accumulated from intellectual spoon feeding from the intellectual wise men is not wisdom. The persons who are propagating only half-truth as absolute truth are playing with feelings of the seeker with ornamental words. The people who are stuck with half-truth think they have already realized and think that they are realized truth and they try to snub others and expect to follow their own terms without realizing they have not yet completed the journey.

If one has understood what ‘truth ‘really is “than there is no necessity to know ‘Who am I? or ‘I am that’. ‘WHO AM I?’ or ‘I AM THAT’ reveal only half-truth because they are limited to individuality and reveals only the unreal nature of the ego. Ego is individuality whereas the self is not an individual because self is formless consciousness. Thus the journey is incomplete. Seeker has to go much deeper know the full truth about the ‘self ‘which is beyond form, time and space.

There is no doubt many masters have given valuable contribution to seeking world but none of them take one to the ultimate end . Thus seeker has to verify on his own remove the entire obstacle, which is blocking his realization on his own. There is no need to criticize any teacher or Guru and waste time instead seeker has to utilize the same time to acquire self-knowledge through deeper self-search.

Truth means certainty. If there is any uncertainty it is not truth. It does not deal with imaginations. People do not have the scientific attitude because they take things as presented to them. They have rather the emotional and sentimental attitude. The correct attitude is to verify all the facts, to see a problem in them, something to investigate and inquire into them.

Truth must be verifiable; unless it is verifiable it is of no value. Those who lack the capacity to doubt are not fit for pursuit of truth.